Kamis, 15 Maret 2012

Tips to keep your harmony with your loved one

1. Expand communication with your lover, talking about all the problems that rebound in the liver. Due to communicate with you may be in the know about what you like and do not in love by your lover

2. If there are problems in your relationship, get completed without using emotion. Do not delay to

3. Make you comfortable with your lover, by treating him well, love for her attention.

4. After making you comfortable with your lover, get used to was the two of you go to romantic places, to warm the atmosphere in the heart and carve a memory that is not easy to forget in

5. Avoid casual sex, because it is the beginning of your destruction. Reject both - either call your lover and you sense that it's just a disaster

Hopefully these tips are useful for maintaining harmony in your relationship ...

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